Kad va duhi skruoz naše hrvatsk selo huodim, vidim kako glavne cesta va Frielištof grie od sela Drinuovca. Ča prvo od sela vidiš, je naš stari hravski obrambeni turam. Kad djuojdeš dalje k selu, je prvi stan od Mate Slunskoga (Šulara je to nadimak od Schule, da su pri škuoli bivali). Dalje duojdeš k osnovnoj škuoli, va ku sam ja moje prve šetire lieta hodiv. Učili su nas nimški, hrvatski se nisam va škuoli učiv da mi hrvatsku škuolu nisme imali.
(fragment from Lipo Naše Selo, by Jozo Lawitschka, 2005: p.112)
Recollection of Frielištof after 56 years
When in my soul I walk across our Croatia village, I see the main street runs into Frielištof from Drinovac village. The first thing you see is our old monument dedicated to war dead from WW I. You go further toward the village, and there the house of Mate Slunski ("Šular" was his nickname, as was living next to our school). Further you approach to the elementary school, where I spend my first four school years. We were taught in German, we didn't learn Croatian, as we were not able to have a Croatian school.
(fragment from Lipo Naše Selo, by Jozo Lawitschka, 2005: p.112)

When in my soul I walk across our Croatia village, I see the main street runs into Frielištof from Drinovac village. The first thing you see is our old monument dedicated to war dead from WW I. You go further toward the village, and there the house of Mate Slunski ("Šular" was his nickname, as was living next to our school). Further you approach to the elementary school, where I spend my first four school years. We were taught in German, we didn't learn Croatian, as we were not able to have a Croatian school.
painting of O. Ružička, a Croatian woman
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